Product information – PRODUCT

A product is the generic name of one or more variants of a commodity. Products themselves only contain promotional information and cannot be ordered. The following information is part of the product information:


Node Mandatory Data type (Length) Description
PRODUCT Y Start of the product information
Attribute: mode N XML The default value is "update".
Element: P_NR Y String(50) The import requires that the node <P_NR> must provide a unique product number.. During export, the node <P_NR> contains a unique database-ID from TB.One.
Element: P_NR_EXTERNAL N String(50) The unique product number provided by the merchant during import is transferred to the web-shop at the export as <P_NR_EXTERNAL>. This is the product number of the supplier.
Element: P_CHANGEDATE N Unix The time stamp of the last product change is included in the export.
Element: P_CREATEDATE N Unix The time stamp of the product creation is included in the export.

Superordinate element:

Further subordinate elements:

Example XML

<PRODUCT> <P_NR>87</P_NR> <P_NR_EXTERNAL>5986</P_NR_EXTERNAL> <P_CHANGEDATE type="unix_timestamp">1378275377</P_CHANGEDATE> <P_CREATEDATE type="unix_timestamp">1365784128</P_CREATEDATE> <P_ACTIVEDATA /> <P_NAME /> <P_TEXT /> <P_BRAND /> <P_KEYWORDS /> <P_COMPONENTDATA /> <P_TAGS /> <P_BULLETS /> <P_MEDIADATA /> <P_CATEGORIES /> <P_LINKDATA /> <ARTICLEDATA /> </PRODUCT> <!– Node for product –> <!– Import: Product number of the merchant; Export: Database-ID TB.One –> <!– Import: not included; Export: product number of the merchant –>