The stock data is always exported based upon the transferred articles, i.e. stock information is only included for those articles that were already exported within the product data and that could be interpreted as valid during the last export. Stock data, too, may be retrieved as full or delta load.
The retrieval of stock data in "full load" contains all articles valid at the time of retrieval based upon the currently valid product data provision. At a call you’ll receive a file according to the following scheme:
The creation time stamp of the previous stock retrieval has to be used as value for “delta” at the next "delta" call. An exception is the poll for product data in full mode in the meantime.
If the stock data is retrieved as delta load, only those article stocks are provided that have changed since the specified time stamp "delta". At a call you’ll receive a file according to the following scheme:
Please always transfer the creation time stamp of the previous stock data retrieval at the next "delta" call. Here it is absolutely irrelevant whether the last stock retrieval was a full or a delta load. An exception is the poll for product data in full mode in the meantime. Please regard the processing sequence of full/delta loads.