Regardless of the deployment type ("full" or "delta"), the provided TB.CAT always includes the fully available information for a product valid at the time of retrieval.
Therefore, the subsequent processing requires to consider any information not contained or modified and to add any newly added information. In a product all associated articles and all descriptive information for this product are included. Here’s a schematic view:
A product can be clearly identified, in the export by means of the Product-ID, in the import by means of the product number (field: The same logic is used on article level. At the creation of an article, a unique article ID (
An article can be assigned to only one product at a time. However, it is possible that the data provider shifts existing articles in either a different product or disperses the variants of a product in whole or in part to one or more new products.
A product data catalog in "full load" contains all products valid at the time of retrieval, and their associated articles. The data must be interpreted analogously to the logic presented. At a call you’ll receive a file according to the following scheme:
The creation time (attribute "
If the product data catalogue is retrieved as delta load, only those products are provided that have changed since the specified time stamp "delta". A delta load provides complete products including all currently assigned and valid articles and must be interpreted according to the logic described in Full and Delta loads. At a call you’ll receive a file according to the following scheme:
For this example, the starting point is that only the "Product 1" has been changed in the meantime. Please always transfer the creation time stamp of the previous TB.Cat product data retrieval at the next "delta" call. Here it is absolutely irrelevant whether the last product data retrieval was a full or a delta load.
Start point is the example from above. Greyed products/articles are activated, white products/articled are disabled.
The corresponding full load (schematic representation):
Next catalogue without changes If there are no changes until the next polling time, the requested delta load provides an empty catalogue:
A full load would again contain all products and articles valid at the time of retrieval and would accordingly be identical in content to the first catalogue. Next catalogue with changes Before delivery of the next catalogue, the merchant deactivates article 2 in product 1 and the complete product 2.
Depending on whether the next product data retrieval is in full or delta load, you will get different results. The subsequently provided delta load will contain (schematic representation):
The provided full load shows the change implicitly and contains (schematic representation):