The data exchange between TB.One and the channel takes place by means of an XML file. Time stamps match in general the format "Unix Timestamps", i.e. seconds since 01.01.1970 00:00 UTC. Please negotiate the data exchange with your Tradebyte contact. They will also give you access credentials.
- You must always use the current versions of the XML schemes.
- The connection to an active TB.One requires the agreement of the account owner.
- In the course of development, Tradebyte provides according test systems after exchanging an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
- REST calls may only be sent sequential, i.e. not several time at a time.
- Error codes 4xx/5xx must necessarily be processed and handled.
- At error code 4xx, the same call mustn't be repeated.
- At error code 5xx, the same call may be repeated after 10 minutes at the earliest and max. 5 times.
- Only complete XML files are allowed (validation of XML scheme required).
- Data calls:
- Product data (Full) – once per day
- Product data (Delta) – max. once per hour
- Stocks (Full) – max. once per hour
- Stocks (Delta) – max. every 10 minutes
The standard for product data provided by Tradebyte is the The scheme file valid at this time can be found at: For a pure stock data update, the
Import files for product data must be named as: TBCAT_(timestamp).xml Import files for stock data must be named as: TBCAT_stock_(timestamp).xml The definition of the time stamp is free but it is recommended to use the following structure: YearMonthDay_HourMinuteSecond (i.e.: "20110812_124301"). During export, this format is automatically provided.
The order data are exchanged in the format TB.Order-XML via the REST-API. The order files that are set to TB.One must be checked for their cheme validity before the transfer. The scheme file valid at this time can be found at: Each order must be provided separately. In general, each REST call gets an XML answer (response body). You receive either the requested result or a status message that is accompanied by a status code in the HTTP header to indicate the successful or failed processing.
The order files have the following structure of the file name duriing import (=single order): At the export to the merchant, all orders that were not exported yet at the time of the export are concatenated into an order list. The file name is then: The definition of the time stamp is free but it is recommended to use the following structure: YearMonthDay_HourMinuteSecond (i.e.: "20110812_124301"). During export, this format is automatically provided.
Messages that you receive from TB.One (dispatch advices, cancellation or returns messages) are validated against the currently valid scheme file. The scheme file can be found at: The order messages may also be requested per
The message files have the following structure of the file name: The definition of the time stamp is free but it is recommended to use the following structure: YearMonthDay_HourMinuteSecond (i.e.: "20110812_124301"). During export, this format is automatically provided.