Order – ORDER

During the order import (web shop to TB.One), each order must be provided in a separate file. During order export (TB.One to merchant), all orders that are not indicated with an “exported” flag are concatenated to a list and transferred together. All <ORDER> elements are then surrounded by an additional tag <ORDERLIST>.


Node Mandatory Data type (Length) Description
ORDER_LIST Y Start of the order list; only export
ORDER Y Indicates the start of an order; may occur as often as needed at export, for the import, each order must be provided in a separate file.
Element: ORDER_DATA Y General order data
Element: SELL_TO N Customer data invoice recipient
Element: SHIP_TO Y Customer data goods recipient
Element: SHIPMENT N Information about shipment
Element: PAYMENT N Information about payment type
Element: HISTORY N History of the order
Element: SERVICES N Information about services
Element: ITEMS Y Order items

Subordinate element:

Example XML