
A product data catalog in "full load" contains all products valid at the time of retrieval, and their associated articles. The data must be interpreted analogously to the logic presented. At a call you’ll receive a file according to the following scheme:

<TBCATALOG channel="chxx" creation="1359554835"> <PRODUCTDATA type="full"> <!– delta request control: 0 –> <Product 1> <Article 1-1> <Article 1-2> <Article 1-3> <Product 2> <Article 2-1> <Article 2-2> <Article 2-3> </PRODUCTDATA> </TBCATALOG> <!– Creation time –> <!– Request mode "Full-Load" –>

The creation time (attribute "creation” at the TBCATALOG element) to use as time stamp for the filter attribute "delta" at the next request of a delta load.

A full load is per default only permitted once a day. Please agree with your Tradebyte contact upon the time of full load.