<!– Coding –> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!– TB.Cat version and creation time –> <TBCATALOG version="1.3" creation="1378277984"> <!– Product data in request mode "Full-Load" –> <PRODUCTDATA type="full"> <!– Start product 1 –> <PRODUCT> <!– At export: unique ID of the product; at import: unique product number of the merchant –> <P_NR>87</P_NR> <!– Product number of the merchant (only export) –> <P_NR_EXTERNAL>5986</P_NR_EXTERNAL> <!– Date of the last product change (only export) –> <P_CHANGEDATE type="unix_timestamp">1378275377</P_CHANGEDATE> <!– Creation time of the product in TB.One (only export) –> <P_CREATEDATE type="unix_timestamp">1365784128</P_CREATEDATE> <!– Activation flag for destination channel (at export always=1) –> <P_ACTIVEDATA> <P_ACTIVE channel="chxx">1</P_ACTIVE> </P_ACTIVEDATA> <!– Product designation –> <P_NAME> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">Outdoor-Jacke Reinhold</VALUE> </P_NAME> <!– Product description –> <P_TEXT> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">Die Outdoorjacke "Reinhold" ist eine außergewöhnlich robuste und funktionale Jacke! Durch das innovative Material bietet sie eine enorme Widerstandsfähigkeit und einen effektiven Schutz vor Wind und Witterung, Kälte, Nässe und Sturm. Die Outdoorjacke "Reinhold" ist ein anpassungsfähiger Allrounder, die Sie das ganze Jahr begeistern wird.</VALUE> </P_TEXT> <!– Brand –> <P_BRAND identifier="name" key="Superjackenmeister" /> <!– Keywords –> <P_KEYWORDS> <P_KEYWORD> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">Kapuzenjacke</VALUE> </P_KEYWORD> <P_KEYWORD> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">Anorak</VALUE> </P_KEYWORD> <P_KEYWORD> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">Funktionskleidung</VALUE> </P_KEYWORD> </P_KEYWORDS> <!– Product components (NOT variant dimensions) –> <P_COMPONENTDATA> <P_COMPONENT identifier="name" key="Breite"> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">110cm</VALUE> </P_COMPONENT> <P_COMPONENT identifier="name" key="Farbe"> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">blau</VALUE> </P_COMPONENT> </P_COMPONENTDATA> <!– Product attributes (Attention: simple quotation marks at identifier) –> <P_TAGS> <P_TAG identifier='name' key='Target group'> <VALUES> <VALUE identifier="name" key="adult male" /> </VALUES> </P_TAG> </P_TAGS> <!– Start bullet points –> <P_BULLETS> <P_BULLET sort="10"> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">atmungsaktiv</VALUE> </P_BULLET> <P_BULLET sort="20"> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">wasserdicht</VALUE> </P_BULLET> <P_BULLET sort="30"> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">winddicht</VALUE> </P_BULLET> </P_BULLETS> <!– Start of the product media –> <P_MEDIADATA> <P_MEDIA type="image" sort="0">http://foo.server/1.jpg</P_MEDIA> <P_MEDIA type="image" sort="1">http://foo.server/2.jpg</P_MEDIA> </P_MEDIADATA> <!– Categories –> <P_CATEGORIES> <!– Primary channel category –> <P_CATEGORY channel="chxx" type="primary" identifier="name" key="Herren|Jacken|Freizeit" /> </P_CATEGORIES> <!– Links –> <P_LINKDATA> <P_LINK type="cross">568</P_LINK> <P_LINK type="accessory">894</P_LINK> </P_LINKDATA> <!– Variant dimensions. Here listed properties must not be additionally added at P_COMPONENT. –> <P_VARIANTFIELDS> <P_VARIANTFIELD identifier="name" key="Farbe">Farbe</P_VARIANTFIELD> <P_VARIANTFIELD identifier="name" key="Größe">Größe</P_VARIANTFIELD> </P_VARIANTFIELDS> <!– Start of the article data –> <ARTICLEDATA> <!– Start article 1 –> <ARTICLE> <!– Article number (SKU) of the merchant –> <A_NR>5986</A_NR> <!– unique article ID from TB.One –> <A_ID>105</A_ID> <!– Date of the last change in TB.One (only export) –> <A_CHANGEDATE type="unix_timestamp">1376396744</A_CHANGEDATE> <!– Creation time of the article in TB.One (only export) –> <A_CREATEDATE type="unix_timestamp">1357648848</A_CREATEDATE> <!– Activation flag of the article –> <A_ACTIVE>1</A_ACTIVE> <!– Artikel-EAN –> <A_EAN>4250372205442</A_EAN> <!– Manufacturer's article number –> <A_PROD_NR>56894</A_PROD_NR> <!– Article number 2 –> <A_NR2>381059</A_NR2> <!– Start of variant forming properties –> <A_VARIANTDATA> <!– Variant dimension 1 –> <A_VARIANT identifier="name" key="Farbe"> <!– Value of variant dimension 1 –> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">blau</VALUE> </A_VARIANT> <!– Variant dimension 2 –> <A_VARIANT identifier="name" key="Größe"> <!– Value of variant dimension 2 –> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">S</VALUE> </A_VARIANT> <!– End of variant dimensions –> </A_VARIANTDATA> <!– Article components (NOT variant forming)–> <A_COMPONENTDATA> <A_COMPONENT identifier="name" key="Ausschnitt"> <VALUE xml:lang="de-DE">V-Ausschnitt</VALUE> <VALUE xml:lang="en-US">V-neck</VALUE> </A_COMPONENT> </A_COMPONENTDATA> <!– Article attributes –> <A_TAGS> <A_TAG identifier='name' key='Basisfarbe'> <VALUES> <VALUE identifier="name" key="blau" /> </VALUES> </A_TAG> </A_TAGS> <!– Start of the price data –> <A_PRICEDATA> <!– Destination channel and currency –> <A_PRICE channel="chxx" currency="EUR"> <!– Gros retail price –> <A_VK>87.99</A_VK> <!– Former retail price (cross price) –> <A_VK_OLD>109.95</A_VK_OLD> <!– Manufacturer's suggested retail price –> <A_UVP>120.00</A_UVP> <!– VAT definition, here: normal –> <A_MWST>2</A_MWST> <!– Channel purchase price –> <A_EK>59.90</A_EK> </A_PRICE> </A_PRICEDATA> <!– Media for this article –> <A_MEDIADATA> <A_MEDIA type="image" sort="1">http://foo.server/blau.jpg</A_MEDIA> <A_MEDIA type="image" sort="2">http://foo.server/bldet.jpg</A_MEDIA> </A_MEDIADATA> <!– Retail unit of the article –> <A_UNIT>ST</A_UNIT> <!– Stock –> <A_STOCK>20</A_STOCK> <!– Delivery time in days –> <A_DELIVERY_TIME channel="chxx">3</A_DELIVERY_TIME> <!– 1 = replaceable –> <A_REPLACEMENT>1</A_REPLACEMENT> <!– Replacement time in days –> <A_REPLACEMENT_TIME>5</A_REPLACEMENT_TIME> <!– Minimum order quantity –> <A_ORDER_MIN>1</A_ORDER_MIN> <!– Maximum order quantity –> <A_ORDER_MAX>2</A_ORDER_MAX> <!– Order quantity interval –> <A_ORDER_INTERVAL>1</A_ORDER_INTERVAL> <!– Shipping type –> <A_PARCEL type="MeinVersand"> <!– Number of package pieces –> <A_PIECES>2</A_PIECES> <!– Package dimensions in cm –> <A_WIDTH>90</A_WIDTH> <A_HEIGHT>30</A_HEIGHT> <A_LENGTH>50</A_LENGTH> <!– Package weight in kg –> <A_WEIGHT>2.4</A_WEIGHT> </A_PARCEL> <!– Tradestat information –> <A_TRADESTAT> <!– Country of origin –> <A_ORG_COUNTRY alpha2="DE"/> <!– Tradestat number –> <A_TRADESTAT_NR>94036090</A_TRADESTAT_NR> </A_TRADESTAT> <!– End article 1 –> </ARTICLE> <!– Article 2 –> <ARTICLE>Information like article 1; at least different variant values</ARTICLE> <!– Article 3 –> <ARTICLE>Information like article 1; at least different variant values</ARTICLE> <!– End article data –> </ARTICLEDATA> <!– End product 1 –> </PRODUCT> <!– End of the product data –> </PRODUCTDATA> <!– End of the product data catalogue –> </TBCATALOG> |