<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <TBCATALOG version="1.3" creation="1378277984"> <SUPPLIER>Dokuaccount</SUPPLIER> <PRODUCTDATA type="full"> <!– delta request control: 0 –> <PRODUCT> <ARTICLEDATA> <ARTICLE>…</ARTICLE> </ARTICLEDATA> </PRODUCT> </PRODUCTDATA> </TBCATALOG> |
<!– Coding –> <!– Start node with version and (at export) creation time –> <!– Information about data supplier (only export) –> <!– Start of the product data, "Full-Load" –> <!– Sent time stamp (only at Delta-Loads>0) –> <!– Start of a product –> <!– Start of the article data associated with the product –> <!– Details of an article –> <!– End of the article data associated with the product –> <!– End of a product –> <!– End of the product data –> <!– End of the catalogue –> |