360e – Tradebyte Connector

The Tradebyte Adapter establishes communication between our ERP 360e* Business and TB.One. The Tradebyte Adapter can fetch orders from TB.One (via REST interfaces) and report status messages and stocks to TB.One.

Compatible with:

360e Business software

Software licence: Single License
  • e-velopment GmbH

    e-velopment GmbH is a Hamburg-based company, founded in the year 2000. As a software and systems house, our team of more than 60 experts in their specialist sector offers the 360e platform and other software solutions for e-commerce and retail. Our customers have highly prized our experience in retail and e-commerce for more than 20 years.

The Tradebyte Adapter offers the integration of marketplaces (also marketplaces with different business models) via Tradebytes TB.One. Orders are imported and processed in 360e Business. Status messages, this includes delivery, cancellation and returns messages, are reported to TB.One for specific results. By using Tradebyte’s REST interfaces, this is done almost in real time.

The scope of functions does not yet include the transfer of item data to TB.One. This must be done by another system. In the future, this functionality will also be available in 360e Business.

*360e is the innovative software of e-velopment for all back-office processes (ERP and WMS) in mail-order business and e-commerce, rendering modular support to individual process sequences.


  • Order import: Orders from TB.One can be imported into 360e Business. This includes customer and payment information as well as order and item data.
  • Order status messages: Delivery, cancellation and returns messages can be transferred to TB.One.
  • Inventory: Inventory can be transferred to TB.One at configurable intervals.
  • e-velopment GmbH

    e-velopment GmbH is a Hamburg-based company, founded in the year 2000. As a software and systems house, our team of more than 60 experts in their specialist sector offers the 360e platform and other software solutions for e-commerce and retail. Our customers have highly prized our experience in retail and e-commerce for more than 20 years.