Order status update transmission

from your system to TB.One


If you sell your products on one or more TB.One channel(s) (excluding your own shop or custom channel), their owners will transfer orders to you and expect that you send order status updates for these orders. 

The information is used i.e. to send customers tracking codes for their shipped orders or information on order cancellations.
Since most of the channels charge by generated sales it should also be in your interest to inform them about returned items via the TB.One REST API.

For these purposes we use the TB.One order message REST API endpoint https://rest.trade-server.net/(HNR)/messages/ with our messages-XML.


  • You will need access to TB.One REST API credentials.
  • You can only send order messages to TB.One for orders that exist in your TB.One account.


  1. Retrieve a list of changed order items from your systems database and form a XML file with messages according our specifications.
  2. Send that XML to the TB.One REST API using POST.
  3. If you receive HTTP status code 200, everything is fine.

Best practises​

  1. The best time for sending an order message is real time in the moment an order status is changed in your system. Maybe you can hook to some event.
  2. If this is not possible send changed order information at least once an hour.
  3. You should frequently send the messages. People are waiting for that information.
  4. Send one message for each item of an order – not only one message per order.
    This gives you the chance to handle partial shipping/cancel/return.
    You can combine messages for identical articles with the QUANTITY node in the XML.
  5. Don’t send the same change twice.
  6. Check your generated messages XML against our XSD